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Pontypridd Cottage Homes


These homes were built in a village called Llanwit-Vardre (or Church Village) in 1892. They were built around a large square. There were twelve cottages (eight initially, four more by 1920) and a school.


The homes were intially intended for older children as young children under five went to a separate home called MaesyCoed which was part of the workhouse.


In 1950, the homes were renamed Garth Olwg but closed 13 years later in 1963.


We have received these memories from Sue about her Nan:


"My Nan was born in Pontypridd and after her mother died their father (as they described) took to drink. Although the eldest child tried her best to keeo the family together they nevertheless ended up in the Cottage Homes at Llantwit Fardre.
"My Nan described them so warmly I was shocked when after her death I found them to be a branch of the Workhouse! Every Thursday I would visit and be regaled with her stories of the homes and hpw their 'Mother' would give them age appropriate chores. Her siblings lived in other cottages in the site and they all learned trades.
"My intention is to research the Glamorgan archives, to find out more, but I still have a rosy image of sunny days and laughter at Llantwit Fardre." 


Source: Archives Wales




Records of the homes including admissions registers are held by Glamorgan Archives. A search of what they hold can be carried out here.


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