Cromwell House, Highgate Village, Hampstead


Jump to: Tadworth Court


Cromwell House was Great Ormond Street Hospital's own convalescent home to provide convalescent care for children of poor families. It was founded in 1869 near enough to London to make visiting possible but far enough away to be away from the unhealthy London air. Parents were allowed to visit on Sunday afternoons and were expected to pay two and sixpence in transport costs to get their child to and from Highgate, and sixpence a week for washing. 


In the 1920s, to escape ever-expanding London, the home moved to Tadworth Court, Surrey.


Also have a look at Beaconsfield Convalescent home which also was set up to take in children from Great Ormond Street Hospital





Tadworth Court, Surrey


In 1929, the convalscent home moved to Tadworth Court, Surrey. The focus in this home was on caring for children with respiratory illnesses.


During the Second World War, many children and staff were moved into the relative safety of Tadworth Court from Great Ormond Street Hospital.


While the post-war pertiod saw a growth in the use of Tadworth Court and an increase in the number of beds and other facilities, this period was followed by a decline from the 1970s during which time fewer children arrived at the home.


A media campaign in the 1980s raised funds and the Tadworth Court Trust was established to run the home independently. It has since provided a range of services for children with brain injury.




To explore other convalescent homes, have a look at our Directory



The Historic Hospital Admission Records Project has a patient admissions database.


The Children's Trust now runs Tadworth Court