Searching for a home where the 5 young sons of William (a cooper on the Liverpool docks) and Mary HILL may have been cared for after their parents death in 1816.
Ambrose age 12
Henry age 7
William Henry age 5
Thomas age 4
George age 2
They lived in Frederick St, St James, Liverpool where William was a cooper.
Does anyone recall a nurse by the name of Mary Wynne working there between 1945 and 1950?
looking for information on Peter Kingston born newbury berkshire. mothers maiden name of pearce. date of birth 3/6/1945 and either adopted straight out or placed in a children's home? stories are scarce and he was possible born blind or partially sighted, my father heard he may have been his twin brother but he was born 23/4/1946 although both births are registered in the same register on the same page?
if anyone knows of his where about's please contact me donna_mtclf@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you.
I have seen Ella's post dated 14th December 2016. I did work at this home for a short period, and you can contact me on the above E Mail address.
I was in the sunshine home in the 50's in shoeburyness cannot remember much but always remember putting out on the balcony in my bed together with other children in their beds no matter what the weather was like. I remember all I could see from my place on the balcony was the hut where people sheltered near the beach.I did not like it there but it did me good healthwise.Sorry cannot remember names etc
Hi trying to find anyone who was in 35/35a Lancaster road London se 25 in the earlly60s myself and 3sisters Jill/Susan/Francis all stayed there anyone help
I would like to know of anyone who stayed at Duncan,s place orphanage,Dundee around 1956/1958
Kirkton of Culsalmond,children,s home,Aberdeen shire,around 1954/1956.
Okay....who went to the Children's Home in Dorney, near Windsor, Bucks in the 1920's? The Matron was Mary K Ferguson and the institution was privately run and operated. It is NOT listed anywhere, yet this home operated within the confines of the Dorney Court Estate IPalmer family).

Also, whatever was recorded for the Children's Home at Overton (West Overton, near Lockeridge, Wiltshire)? Also privately run and operated. It was in a building at South Farm.

Wanting to contact any children who were housed here? My father was in both homes and subsequently sent to Western Australia under the Fairbridge Scheme.

Please, the resident children (or their descendants) must know of these homes.

Barbara Powell, barbspow@gmail.com
any one there between 1952 and 1963, i knew martian woolnough, billy haymes,barbara bassett,melvin knight,the pernell brothers,the sansome brothers ,i started at the Beeches then onto num 10 ,num 4 ,num 7 then num 1 when aunty Kathleen Tyler took over,sadley passed away some years ago,the first cottage num 10 (i know his name)was quite a crual man, but Kathleen Tyler i respected very much,even though she was strict ,she cared,the homes were the best thing that could have happend
to me and my brothers, Errol, Gerry (deceast 2013) James and Derek (deceast 2012) id like to thank the childrens department for setting me on the right track
Susan McGaw nee Biddle
I was at Pickering Children's Home
1952 -1956
Huge old stone house around 15 years ago I believe it was made to old peo ple's home
From there I moved to various homes
Found this site by accident
When I was old enough to come out of care
I came to live in Montreal Canada
Chef to Prime Minister Of Quebec
Email. marilynndomleo@gmail.com
Would enjoy to hear from you
Marilynn Domleo. Montreal Quebec. Canada
Peter Short and Van Burger
Springhill and Fairlawn homes
Could give you information
Did email you
Hi violet I don't no if you no me or not but I was in keye park about the same time as you my name than was Susan Beare if you remember me it would be lovely to hear from you from sue
My name is Susan I was in Kyer park with T B in the 50 I would just like to no if there is some one out there that can reamber me I am now 69 years old my name than was Susan Beare thank you
Hi I am looking for anyone who was in a cottage home around 1953 not sure where it was but I know we used to go the beach and we us d to have a balcony where we used to sing Take me back to the Black Hills. They used to make you eat the skin on a rice pudding I was sent there for about 6 months as my mum had just given birth to my sister and couldn't cope with us both.

24/4 2017
MARY HOGAN, are you there? I read you message of September 2016 about a Mill Hill children's home run by Catholic nuns. How do I contact you?
i was at maryland childrens home in basingstoke back in the 1960s my sir name was different dryzstek or drystek i went to fairfields junior school the then to chrles chute secondry mod school it would be nice to contact anyone who new me
My grandfather and his siblings (the Manaton children) became orphans when there parents both died within 8 months of each other in Chittlehampton, Devon, in 1920. They were all admitted to the South Molton Union and later transferred to the Children's home, possibly 41 East Street, South Molton.
Does anyone have any knowledge or details about either?
Riverside assessment centre salisbury 1975 +
Kingsmoor children's home the ley box corsham Wiltshire 1970s
Starfield assessment centre Trowbridge 1970s
Ashleigh house Trowbridge 1976 +
Mr and Mrs penman foster parents from Swindon.
Was anyone at these children's homes or foster home in the 70s or early 80s .
Please contact me .. You might have information that I need...
Thank you....
Is there anyone on here that was at kingsmoor children's home box near corsham in the 1970s..... If so, would love to hear from you....
Does anyone remember my mum Dorothea (Usually know as Dorothy or Dot) Doyle? She was house mother for Willow at The Hollies, Lamorbey, Sidcup. I know she worked there in 1955 as I have an envelope with a postmark for that year from a letter sent to her. She loved her time working there and came to form such an attachment with the children in her care. When I was a child I loved hearing her stories about the children and, even now, hope they have gone on to have a good life.
Hi June Rankine. My sister and I were in a home in Lenzie and Milgavnie in the fifties as our mother was ill. I have been back to Lenzie to look for the house and checked with a local realtor. No one seemed to remember it. Do you have any other information. I couldn't remember the name.
hi to people who may have been in nazareth house in sneyd park in bristol in the 50s and 60s.I was there i think in 1954 or 56 with my sister and my brother, if there is anyone reading this who was there during this time please send me a message on here,also i will leave my email address
annadye_34@msn.com if anyone would like to email me.many thanks
anna x
Hello - I've just discovered that my Mother was living in a LCC Residential School in 1932, information found on a copy of her Baptism Certificate. It is believed she was born in 1920. The baptism was done at Chipping Ongar so I'm presuming she would have been living in the area. Can anyone please give me any information on what the LCC Residential School would have been? Thank you
Were you ever a resident of Beecholme Children's Home or Gayfere House(private Foster Home). If you were please get in touch.
Surrey Police are now investigating both homes under an historic Child Abuse remit.We must never let the authorities forget what they did to thousands off us.
Both my parents worked for Dr Barnardos from 1960 through to 1980's.
They were houseparents at "Glasclune" North Berwick, Scotland.
Superintendant and Matron at 23 Winton Drive, Glasgow - 1960's to 1972.
As above, Gordon Terrace, Plymouth, 1972 to 1975.
Deputy and House Mother at Glandare House, Bettws, Newport. 1975 to 1982.

Would like to hear from anyone that was in above homes and remembers them.
I am trying to get information of my stay in Styal Homes. Styal Village .Cheshire. Manchester City Council who have will not allow me to view them.
I was in Styal From Feb 1946 to Oct 1947 I am now 76 years of age and can't ans my family questions.

EDITOR: please contact the Care Leavers Association - www.careleavers.com - who will be able to help you. You have a right to see the records that any City Council has about you.
i am looking for anyone who remembers mary thompson she remembers being at fulwood cottage homes from around 1939
I’m trying to find out what happened to three ancestors who were admitted to Newington Workhouse, Westmoreland Road, Walworth, London in 1922. They were discharged on the same day to either ‘RC Homes’ or ‘R Homes’ – I’ve seen two different people’s handwriting but still can’t make out exactly what it says.
Does anyone know which homes it means that they’ve been sent to, please? christinebessey@yahoo.co.uk

EDITOR: Roman Catholic Homes perhaps? CofE children and RC children were often sent to different homes.
I was at Lower Bullingham and Croft from 1934 1945. I'd like contact. RJH.
I would like to contact people who were in Care at:

Milton House, 53 Wellington Rd, Bournemouth 1949 thru 1953. Here I remember the Rowan family of 5 children, Lavinia the eldest, and Carlotta.

Suffolk House, Suffolk Road, Bournemouth c 1950's run by Mr & Mrs Van Wyke

Mountstephen House, nr Uffculme, Cullompton, Tiverton Devon 1955 - 1957 Here I remember Jimmy Jones and Rosemary Page. Home run by Mr & Mrs Trotman.
hello, I am wondering if anyone would have any information on Orphanages and how i could find out which one my Dad was in in 1946 in Bristol. He wasnt there very long as he was lucky enough to be adopted by a loving family. He was born in Jan 1946 and we think his name on birth was francis Williams.
My 2 brothers and I were in Crondall Lodge in 1966 and I went to Crondall Primary School. Anyone else remember being in the home at this time?
I'm searching for anybody who can tell me about Nazareth House, Plymouth, late 1940's. I'm writing a story and finding this information a little tricky to locate. I'd love somebody to describe what it looked like inside ( I've seen photos of the outside) , and how it was to live there as a child.

Happy for you to contact me at cathoff3@hotmail.com.

Kind regards

Cat Whelan
did anyone go to lane cottage childrens home walton on naze in the 1950s
hello i was there from 1957 to 1966 want to know if anyone remembers me and my 2 sisters
Does anybody know anything about a residential school that my 82 year old mother attended, that she refers to as "Penylan training home Cardiff". She was taken from her home in Mid-Devon to reside at this facility sometime between 1935 - 1950.
Hi, I'm looking for any records available about my late uncl Peter g Marshment born in Swansea 1928 he was orphaned in 1933/5 and seems to have disappeared almost, until I found a marriage for him in 1950 thanks in advance for any help
My Mother, has told me about a place she calls "Penylan training home Cardiff". She recalls that she went there before she started primary school, so this would be sometime around 1938. However, she is now 82 and a bit forgetful, and may be getting her dates wrong, but never forgets the same name of the establsihment. She could have been there any time between birth and aged 16, so 1935 - 1951. I have not been able to trace the premises, but have found an area called penylan at Cardiff.
Hello on researching my family tree came across a family member we knew nothing about. He is the illigetimate son of my grandmother on my father's side. We do know that he went into care in 1939 to the cottage home in Wolverhampton. My interest is where he was before this have a bit of information saying he was admitted to home number 1 from Smethwick, but where in Smethwick was there a cottage home there? Ant ideas anyone.

Many thanks
Hi, I'm looking for anyone who might have any memories of my uncle Peter Marshment,I believe he was put in a children's home in the early 1930's I'd dearly love to hear from anyone with any information. Thank you
Anyone remember my mum who was House mother at the Cottage Homes - Marston Green, Birmingham in the early 1930's. Her maiden name then was Beatrice G. Gittins. When the homes closed in 1933 she moved to be House mother at a boys home in Basingstoke, together with my father who was House master. Mums married name was Craig. Many thanks maggie@thefosse.co.uk
I am trying to find out about the care homes I went to as a child.How would I do That? Also I know of one a big house in Lenzie in Scotland.. But there were other homes we went to.
Hi, Im responding to a message dated 14-12-2016 re- Violet Palmer, who was @ Kyre Park Hospital the mid' 1950s, the same sort of time i was there. Is there any contact details for her - email address , or any other contact details..Please feel free to pass on 'my' details if requested. Im sure i know of things that would be of interest to her. Kind regards Tony Pearsall..
Please could you tell me if my mother was transferred here in 1936 as a baby,her name was mavis ann myers.parents mable and john henry myers ? Id be so gratefulbfor any information my mother was in orphanage till she was 12 yrs.
My name is James Mclaurin. I along side my 4 brothers where placed in Countesthorpe Cottage homes Leicestershire from 1953 to 1963. I was placed in Cottage 5 then I went to cottage no 1 when Aunt Kathleen took over from where I stayed for 7 years.
I would like to hear from any other person who may have remembered my brothers as well as myself. Brothers Errol/Raymond/Gerry/myself and younger brother Derek
I have photos and strong memory's of how it was like through the 50s and early 60s.
Hi trying to find out more about my late father he was in the st josephs home and was sent to canada in the 1900's his name was arther timothy O'sullivan and was from canterbury he was botn 1908 I am his youngest daughter susan alexander.
As a census record shows, my ancestor George Monk, lived in Oblique Cottage, St. Andrews Road, Southampton. He and his wife ran a school there with a few children. I can find no record of this on your website, does this mean that this not one of your listed homes?
I was a resident at St. Leonard's Childrens Home in Hornchurch during the late 1940s early 1950s.I am trying to piece together my personal history and am finding it difficult to complete this part.
My memories of the place were not nice, however I was not subject to the abuse more recent residents suffered. In fact I think the staff were very patient with a kid who was frightend to walk down a dark dormatory at night and therefore was prone to regularly wet his bed.
As I recall the lady in charge of the house I was in was called Miss Polly. If anyonehas any information or advice how I might proceed. I would be grateful. my email address is bmwalcroft@gmail.com
Whilst researching my family history I remembered an 'aunt' we had who was a close friend of my grandmother. She wasn't a relative but spent a lot of time with my family and was considered a proper aunt. Her name was Maude Cooper and we knew that she had been in service and was born in 1900. She didn't have a family of her own and lived in Cressida Road in Upper Holloway.
I decided to try and trace her and found her in the 1911 census, living in the Children's Home in Nether Street, Finchley. Her actual name was Ethel Maude Cooper but she preferred to be called Maude. As I was one of six children I think she had a great time being part of our family and was always present at family events.
Just though someone might be interested.