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Friends i was amazed at how so much was prevered.
There is a section called The Mall, Yes on either side of it. I saw The Cottage Homes, and The site of The Swimming Pool... But I was amazed why the names of the cottages were not saved.
Do you know the names of them.
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We have been sent this reply - The ones I remember are.mertyle,Nelson,Wellington{Iwas there in the 50s}Milton Rose
There were cottages in all but I can't remember all of them
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: I am thinking that this was Sunnyside children's Home, Stepney Road which was run by the Council from the time it was formed in 1930 until the early 1970s.
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Our page on Nazareth House is here- It includes information about accessing your records.
Would love to here from anybody who was at this school during this period, perhaps we could exchange memories.
Donald Cameron
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Memories about Holy Cross can be found at
I was there in the early 1960s
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There are some memories of Woodfields here -
Please email
Looking forward to any information. Many thanks, Burnie
I'm looking for information for my mum, she was placed in a care home in about 1954 for while after her dad died, she was 7, she is from Paddington in London. Her younger brother was also placed in care at the same time. Her older sister and 2 other younger siblings stayed at home. She is looking for information regarding the home she was in. She knows it was in Surrey and that is was in or around Curley Hill/ Clear Springs? She remembers being taken for a walk up a hill and wandering off, apparently there were tank crossings in the area and she was told off for wandering away. Her name is Gloria Letton and she also remembers a young lad called Kenneth. She is not sure if the home was a charitable one or Council ran one. Does anyone know if there is a list of former homes or how i can find out some more information for her?
Thanks Linda
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This is a tricky one! The nearest home of note I can find is the Royal Albert Orphanage in Bagshot or the Convent of the Good Shepherd in Windlesham. But there may also have been small private homes which are hard to find. Have you tried applying for your mum's care records? Have a look at this page for infomration -
Also in 1965 a PAUL HUBBARD was born with the mother’s maiden name also KINGSLEY and in the same area. He was put into care in Tunbridge Wells Kent where he was adopted
Mrs murphy family group home
miss sutcliffe
mr and mrs Dyson they wanted to keep I know they have a older daughter I would love to find thern
Cambrian house is a children home I was in 1972
Mrs murphy family group home
miss sutcliffe
mr and mrs Dyson they wanted to keep to adopt me I'd love to find them i know they had a daughter little older the me
Cambrian house is a children home I was in 1972
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Hi Sandra, you haven't provided any contact details.If you would like to, please make another post. Thanks
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Hi Sandra, you haven't provided any contact details.If you would like to, please make another post. Thanks
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Hi Gerald, you haven't provided any contact details.If you would like to, please make another post. Thanks
We don't know how long they were in there for or why they were in there,. Any info would be great
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Hi Karen, you haven't provided any contact details.If you would like to, please make another post. Thanks
Thank in advance
I was in Blackburn called bleak house
In the 60s how do I go about getting information/photos the home it's self is gone please help
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR - have you applied to see your own records? Have a look at this page for information -
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Our page on Nazareth House can be found here - It also has information about accessing records.
looking for anyone who was in DR BANARDOS with my late mum she
would of gone by the name of DOROTHY CLAIRE SPENCE not sure what year
but i do know she was born in 1938 she had jet black hair and she
could sit on it that is untill she arrived and they put a pudding
bowl on and cut it SO CRUEL i would dearly love to find anything
to do with her time their i have a BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPH of her
with other children and staff she is standing next to a bike
with everyone the photo can be seen on line i was so excited as i
actually was given it by my mum and this is ALL I HAVE i vsited
this place and she showed me where she shimmied down the tree or
drainpipe to meet other girls and boys on the photo she has put a X to
show this and she showed me her dormitory / bedroom reading your
message has brought a bit of hope to me im hoping their may be
someone who knew her i can tell you one thing about her there was
this time when she did something wrong i think she said she kept
asking for some sweets or something and was punished by being made
to eat a whole bag of LICUORICE i think ther called PONTEFRACT
CAKES and then she told me she left their to be a silver service
waitress in the ADELPHI HOTEL IN LIVERPOOL so im guessing she
left before she turned 16 oh i do hope this jogs someones memory
keeping my fingers crossed i hope this reaches you in good health
please reply to this message thank you for your time.
i am looking for a childrens home that was near Henley upon Thames. My dad worked there in the 60s up to 1970 when he died. His name was Dennis Dutton. any info would be great.
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Hi Yvonne, you haven't provided any contact details.If you would like to, please make another post. Thanks
remembered one carer with surname of Higginbottom. remembered 3 girls in there - last name Stripp
relative remembered visiting Scarborough - not sure if home / orphanage was in Scarborough
seeking information about the home and if possible list of girls who resided there during the 50's
Last I can remember he visited my moms in Aston after I was discharged from care and left to the streets. I would like to find him.
I am also looking for my friend Aeron Simpson who was with me in Herons way childrens home, selly oak, last time I seen him was in Hmp Brinsford 2000 ish.
If any one remembers me, I was around all Birmingham children homes threw the 90s, please get intouch if we were friends ect.
I dont know one person who made it out them childrens homes and ever got even a career or a reliable job.
So much staff abuse and yet we all got arrested so many times and racked up massive criminal records when it should of been them locked up for assault on minor or what ever abuse charges but no it was always us... I see people only just now getting arrested for for things they have done to us and alot of them are still working in the system. So wrong and people like us cant even get jobs because of how many times they got us arrested when it should of been them.
Im looking to catch up with some of the staff and even the ones who turned there cheek.
My name is Ricky and I havnt forgot.
These are my grandparents.
The others are my Uncles and Aunt .
Thank you .
My e mail
These are my grandparents.
The others are my Uncles and Aunt .
Thank you .
I can be reached on
If anybody has any memories of this time or photographs I would love to hear from you.
I am currently researching my family tree and have found it very difficult to find any trace of the two brothers between 1939 and 1947.