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Signed Jason songhurst
Starfield Assessment Centre, Trowbridge.
Riverside Assessment Centre, Salisbury.
Mr & Mrs Swindells, Swindon. (Fosterparents)
Red Gables, Purton, nr Swindon.
Kingsmoor Childrens Home, Box, Wiltshire.
I would to hear any experiences you encountered whilst in care, good or bad! I went to all those homes above from 1979-1984.
In littlehampton. I think it’s in. Rustington
I was born there and from what I can make out we stayed there for a bit. Missing so much info
I’m also looking for my birth father
Birth name Daphne Winifred Mussared or adopted name Daphne Joan Hart
During our 10 years there was Tony Naughton, The Parry Family, The Allen family, The Muntinga Family and we were the Naylor Family. House-parents were Jean and Neville Carrick (both now deceased) who had a Son John, and a daughter Janet.
If you know any of these families or people, I would love to hear from you at this address
Kindest Regards,
Jacqueline Austin (Nee Naylor)
Matron Aunty Betty, superintendent Jeffrey Adams, Local Vicar Cooper (St.Mary’s)
Eastry Headmaster named appropriately ‘Mr. Fright’ we kids were hated.. remember ?
Life moves on now at end stage due to Cancer in California USA.
We shall remember- goodnight x
Note from the editor: it is really difficult to say where she might have been when the baby was born without knowing what sort of home she was in. Is it possible to get the birth certificate of the baby which might give mum's details? Perhaps try to contact Manchester Council to see if they can help (these are the details I would usually suggest to people trying to find out information about themselves...) Write to: Information Compliance, Democratic Services Legal Team, Legal Services, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester M60 2LA or email Let us know how you get on.
Please email me on
Note from the editor:
Have you tried writing to the Sisters? Have a look at this page for details:
Im looking for anyone who might have known my nan Eleanor Graham. She was in Ponteland Cottage
Homes from about 1947 until 1956. She mentioned some of the following houses, and people. House no.8 with Mrs Jackson and Mrs Poles. Then house 3 with Mrs Hall. Dorothy Willey, Margaret Wallis, and Jean Nugent. She also mentioned that the cottages would put you up with a dig at age 15, was just wondering if anyone else experienced this. Also trying to access records any tips would be appreciated.
Thanks Bec
I never got told off at all, well I do not remember it. Oh now do - we were told off for arguing amongst our selves to be an effective football team, that was around 1979 I think. But it did not stop me from winning a trip to Conway for good behavior, where I and few boys picked up a cup for some kind of award for the home. That was great stuff - oh and we went to see Bed knobs and broomsticks at the local cinema as a treat. Of course, all dates could be jumbled up as time does have an effect, but I do know it was not in the early 70s as I would have been only 3 -5, etc.
Good times for all and I wish kids could experience that kind of love and compassion today. I do know my Mum stayed there a child, as she was sickly at times. She went in the 1940s and 1950s and was known as Elise Joan Briggs at the time.
I am looking for information regarding GARTH (possibly CARTH?) Institute in or near Dublin in 1940s, specifically or a person called Mary Collins who will have been around 8 and stayed there for about a year in 1943ish. Very vague, sorry, I am going off a handwritten note! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My Dad and his twin brother were in the Fazakerley Cottage Homes from the mid 1930's. Just wondering if there were any photos available or class lists or records to access. They also went to Barlows Lane Jnr school so would there be any class photos at all? Their names are Alfred & Ronald Hughes.
Thank you.
Please email me if you were
Thank you
Please email me if you were
Thank you posted 17 July 2020
Would love to hear from anyone.